Simple Pay is a platform that provides credit purchases, PLN tokens, e-wallet vouchers and bill payments such as postpaid PLN, non-tagged PLN, PSTN, Speedy, Hello, Pdam, Pay TV, Health Insurance and Multi Finance quickly and easily. All transactions can be done anywhere and anytime.The latest feature is that it can send balances to fellow application users.Pros Simple Pay:1. 24-hour online transactions.Our transactions are 24 hours except when the bank is offline, maintenance or our system provider is in trouble.2. Transactions are easy, fast and reliable.Simple Pay is designed so that users can make transactions easily and we always improve services.3. Support Customer Service (CS).Responsive customer service.4. Competitive prices.Simple Pay provides competitive prices.5. No need to queue and leave the houseYou now do not need to queue and leave the house just to buy credit, token pln and pay bills. Everything is in your grasp. Simply download our mobile application.6. Ticketing deposit.You can top up your deposit by ticketing.Register bank deposit:1. BRI.2. BCA.3. BNI.4. MANDIRI.Easy steps to use Simple Pay:1. Download / download the Simple Pay application on Playstore.2. Registration.3. You will receive an email notification in the form of a user and password.4. Fill the deposit.5. Transactions.Need our help?Email:
[email protected] Number (WA): 0812 1998 6161.Deposit Services: Monday to Sunday at 08.00 to 20.00 WIB.